Judge wants probe into Oakland police shootings
The Associated Press
Published: Friday, Jun. 1, 2012 - 7:24 am
Thank you Judge Henderson. I feel that reform is needed in all Police investigations. To have the Department’s internal affairs investigate their own officers is akin to having a drug smuggler investigate a drug pusher in my opinion. I feel that there needs to be groups of private Citizens selected to conduct investigations into claims of Official Misconduct made against ALL governmental employees.
I understand that such private Citizens should have a least fundamental understanding of the difference between legislatively created “civil rights” and the natural rights all People are born with. Said private Citizens could be volunteers or selected in a similar fashion as a jury with at least one person properly taught the fundamental principles of American Jurisprudence such as a Constitutional Law Professor.
Frankly, I feel that our bodies of public servants are riddled with corruption, and lack of accountability. It seems they are lacking in a proper training in ethics, and conflicts of interests. I feel the problem goes far deeper than just the Police internal affairs investigations. It appears there is a similar process in all levels of government. They investigate themselves which to me defiantly appears to be a conflict of interests between what is best to serve the private Citizens and governmental agencies and their agents.
To have members of a club or class of persons investigate members of their own club or class of persons certainly leaves the door open to cronyism, favoritism, and bias.
The Associated Press
Published: Friday, Jun. 1, 2012 - 7:24 am
Thank you Judge Henderson. I feel that reform is needed in all Police investigations. To have the Department’s internal affairs investigate their own officers is akin to having a drug smuggler investigate a drug pusher in my opinion. I feel that there needs to be groups of private Citizens selected to conduct investigations into claims of Official Misconduct made against ALL governmental employees.
I understand that such private Citizens should have a least fundamental understanding of the difference between legislatively created “civil rights” and the natural rights all People are born with. Said private Citizens could be volunteers or selected in a similar fashion as a jury with at least one person properly taught the fundamental principles of American Jurisprudence such as a Constitutional Law Professor.
Frankly, I feel that our bodies of public servants are riddled with corruption, and lack of accountability. It seems they are lacking in a proper training in ethics, and conflicts of interests. I feel the problem goes far deeper than just the Police internal affairs investigations. It appears there is a similar process in all levels of government. They investigate themselves which to me defiantly appears to be a conflict of interests between what is best to serve the private Citizens and governmental agencies and their agents.
To have members of a club or class of persons investigate members of their own club or class of persons certainly leaves the door open to cronyism, favoritism, and bias.