Friday, March 20, 2009

Our Problem

“The Constitution...plainly is not adequate to protect the individual against the growing bureaucracy.... The individual is almost certain to be plowed under, unless he has a well-organized active political group to speak for him. ... But if a powerful sponsor is lack, individual liberty withers”. Justice William O. Douglas 1968

People often wonder how it is that our servants seem to dictate “Public Policy” that seems to go against what the majority of People would want done. The quote above has a clue that most People do not seem to understand. The Constitution[s] (State and Federal) provides the means for the People to elect ‘servants’, as well as provide the means to control them once elected.

When the People elect a servant they are ‘hiring a servant’. Our bodies of government are much like a business. The owners hire people to work for them. In the case of the American People electing ‘Public servants’ the People are the owners of the company (State and Federal Government) and the Public servants are their employee’s.

Once a business owner hires an employee they give their employee’s instructions as to what they expect their employee’s to do for them. Each employee in a company has a job description that defines their position in the company and what their obligations to the company and its owners are. The job descriptions authorize the employee’s to do certain things, and prohibit them from doing others.

Generally, janitors do not hire, fire, or give orders to the Stock holders, Board of Directors, CEOs, Vice Presidents, Supervisors, Safety Directors, Managers or the owner[s] of the company. This is the same way the American People’s companies (City, State, and Federal government) function. The People are the stock holders in our companies (bodies of government).

Generally the stock holders of companies advise the Board of Directors, and CEOs to manage their companies in a fashion beneficial to all the share holders. When they fail to do what is best for the stock holders they are replaced, and if the stock holders don’t hold their managers to their obligations the companies fail.

What is happening I America today is that only a few of the stock (share) holders are advising their managers as to what they want done, while the majority don’t participate any further than the election (hiring) process.

The few that are advising the managers (Public servants) of the People’s companies (government) hold interests in other ‘private enterprises’ (companies). By directing the People’s companies in a specific direction and having Public Policies (Laws, rules, regulations, tax incentives, etc.) created which is beneficial to them and their own ‘special interests’ their private enterprises are profiting at the expense of the majority of People who do not participate in the management of the People’s companies (government).

While the majority of the share holders of the People’s companies are not organized, and do not bother to instruct their employee’s (Public servants) a small fraction of the share holders of the People’s companies are. They are ‘well organized special interest groups’, that frequently assemble, discus among each other what they want done, share and publish written information, then draft petitions and have them served to the managers of the People’s companies via ‘lobbyists’.

These groups are exercising their inalienable rights secured Constitutions of the People’s companies (City, County, State, and Federal governments). The managers (Public Servants) of the People’s companies are ‘bound by the Laws’ of the companies (Constitutions) to act on the information (Petitions) they are receiving.

Hence the words of Justice William O. Douglas are true. The majority of American individuals are not well organized as a ‘unified politically active group’ with any powerful sponsor, and their individual liberty is withering. While a small fraction of the share holders of the People’s companies (governments) are well organized, and do solicit funding via various contributions to fund, and create a powerful sponsor (Lobbyists) to deliver their petitions and promote their own special interests.

If the majority of share holders would take the time to ‘unite, assemble, share oral, and written information, draft petitions, solicit funds to create and sponsor their own Lobbyists, they could regain control of their companies, as well as their freedoms and liberties.

Jimmy Freeman founder of the American People's Party

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

From my sheltered position

It sickens and disheartens me as I set off at a safe distance to see the People (My fellow Citizens and countrymen) on their political stumps left (L) and right (R) (sheeple (L) and lemmings (R) in my own view) firing what seems to be and endless supply of ammunition at each other. From my position in the distance I can see who is delivering their (L and R) ammo, and accepting their payments, and contractual Dept Obligations as they endlessly keep slaughtering each other for no apparent reason other than a label they have chosen to accept for themselves.

From my position at a safe distance I stand screaming at the top of my lungs ‘hey stop this senseless slaughter’, but they don’t seem to hear over all the confusion and noise. I would approach them closer but fear I would get caught in between their next volley. I guess I am a fool and a coward for concerns for my own safety, and should have the fortitude to stand up and march straight in-between their ranks. Now and then one or the other (L R sometimes both) will hear me in the distance and turn to fire at me, but I am at a pretty safe distance, with plenty of cover. Naturally, I have grown accustom to their random shots, and as I see them turn I duck under cover.

The biggest problem I have is that this senseless slaughter between the L and R seems to be spreading and surrounding my position leaving me no safe shelter, and one day I may be forced to defend my position. I will be left with no other ‘reasonable alternative’ but to stand and defend my position or simply allow myself to be caught in their cross fire. I hate the thought of being forced to fire on my own countrymen in the defense of myself.

While both sides (L and R) are senselessly (in my opinion) slaughtering each other by the drove, bankrupting themselves, pledging their property (including labor), and youth (posterity) as security for contracted Debt Obligations to those manufacturing and delivering the ammo, and other much needed supplies I can see the coffers of their (third party)‘creditors swelling to the point bursting’.

From my distant position is seems as if I see this third party (TP), promoting, inflaming, and fanning the wild fires (issues and differences in opinion) burning between those that have adopted the L and R labels. It does not appear that either the L or the R has any notion, that the TP ‘intentionally’ started the fires, are providing the funding, manufacturing, and delivering the implements needed to continue this senseless slaughter, or that they (TP) are always adding more fuel and wildly fanning the fires between the L and the R.

Thesis v. anti-Thesis = Synthesis. Synthesis = ‘swollen coffers’, anti-Thesis = ‘starting, fueling and fanning fires between L & R’, Thesis = ‘create a division (LvR)’

An American national Ohio state Citizen, American Loyalist, Patriot, and humble servant of the American People.
Jimmy Freeman